сьюэлл анна black beauty

Сьюэлл Анна Black Beauty
Сьюэлл Анна Black Beauty


RUR 404

Предлагаем вниманию читателей роман английской писательницы Анны Сьюэлл «Черный Красавец», написанный от лица коня. Текст снабжен комментариями и словарем. Книга предназначена для студентов языковых вузов и всех любителей английской литературы.

Сьюэлл Анна Black Beauty
Сьюэлл Анна Black Beauty


RUR 975

Black Beauty is a perennial children's favourite, one which has never been out of print since its publication in 1877. It is a moralistic tale of the life of the horse related in the form of an autobiography, describing the world through the eyes of the creature. In taking this anthropomorphic approach, the author Anna Sewell broke new literary ground and her effective storytelling ability makes it very easy for the reader to accept the premise that a horse is recounting the exploits in the narrative.The gentle thoroughbred, Black Beauty, is raised with care and is treated well until a vicious groom injures him. The damaged horse is then sold to various masters at whose hands he experiences cruelty and neglect. After many unpleasant episodes, including one where he becomes a painfully overworked cab horse in London, Black Beauty finally canters towards a happy ending. Although Anna Sewell's classic is set firmly in the Victorian period, its message is universal and timeless: animals will serve humans well if they are treated with consideration and kindness.There have been many film and television adaptations of the story, but it is only the novel that captures the authentic voice of the central character.

Сьюэлл Анна Black Beauty
Сьюэлл Анна Black Beauty


RUR 1539

This edition features illustrations by Cecil Aldin and an afterword by author and conservationist Lauren St. John. Black Beauty enjoys a carefree upbringing in a pleasant meadow with his mother, where his gentle first master trains him well - until he is reluctantly forced to sell him. Through a long and varied life, Black Beauty passes from one owner to the next; some treat him well, others are so cruel that they inflict lasting damage. Anna Sewell's biographical novel about a horse is one of the bestselling books of all time, and her depiction of Victorian society's harsh treatment of animals inspired significant changes to animal welfare in the both the UK and America.

Сьюэлл Анна Black Beauty
Сьюэлл Анна Black Beauty


RUR 282

Black Beauty is the classic horse story, a beautiful and touching tale told by the title character himself. Set in Victorian London, it follows Beauty's life and changing fortunes as he moves from owner to owner. As the horse encounters new experiences and new friends who reveal their own histories, the story quietly paints a fascinating portrait of how animals were treated during that era.

Сьюэлл Анна Black Beauty
Сьюэлл Анна Black Beauty


RUR 318

One of the best loved animal stories ever written, the dramatic and heartwarming Black Beauty is told by the magnificent horse himself, from his idyllic days on a country squire’s estate to his harsh fate as a London cab horse. No one can ever forget the gallant Black Beauty, a horse with a white star on his forehead and a heart of unyielding courage. Filled with vivid anecdotes about animal intelligence, the novel derives a special magic from the author’s love for all creatures, apparent on every page. But the book’s lasting impact comes from its moving depiction of a human society struggling to find the goodness within itself, and its pleas for kindness to all creatures, great and small—a message so powerful that this favorite classic began a crusade for animal rights that continues today.

Сьюэлл Анна Black Beauty
Сьюэлл Анна Black Beauty


RUR 178

You saved your mistresss life, Beauty! yes, you saved her life Black Beauty is the prettiest young horse in the meadows, and spends many happy days under the apple trees with his friends Ginger and Merrylegs. But this easy life comes to an end when Beauty is sold and goes from farm to inn to cabhorse in London, enduring rough treatment from foolish and careless masters. Beauty remains faithful, hardworking and full of spirit despite his trials, and through him we learn that all horses and humans alike deserve to be treated with kindness. BACKSTORY: Find out about the unusual author and learn some horsey vocabulary.

Сьюэлл Анна Black Beauty
Сьюэлл Анна Black Beauty


RUR 404

Предлагаем вниманию читателей роман английской писательницы Анны Сьюэлл «Черный Красавец», написанный от лица коня. Текст снабжен комментариями и словарем. Книга предназначена для студентов языковых вузов и всех любителей английской литературы.

Сьюэлл Анна Black Beauty
Сьюэлл Анна Black Beauty


RUR 318

One of the best loved animal stories ever written, the dramatic and heartwarming Black Beauty is told by the magnificent horse himself, from his idyllic days on a country squire’s estate to his harsh fate as a London cab horse. No one can ever forget the gallant Black Beauty, a horse with a white star on his forehead and a heart of unyielding courage. Filled with vivid anecdotes about animal intelligence, the novel derives a special magic from the author’s love for all creatures, apparent on every page. But the book’s lasting impact comes from its moving depiction of a human society struggling to find the goodness within itself, and its pleas for kindness to all creatures, great and small—a message so powerful that this favorite classic began a crusade for animal rights that continues today.

Сьюэлл Анна Black Beauty
Сьюэлл Анна Black Beauty


RUR 178

You saved your mistresss life, Beauty! yes, you saved her life Black Beauty is the prettiest young horse in the meadows, and spends many happy days under the apple trees with his friends Ginger and Merrylegs. But this easy life comes to an end when Beauty is sold and goes from farm to inn to cabhorse in London, enduring rough treatment from foolish and careless masters. Beauty remains faithful, hardworking and full of spirit despite his trials, and through him we learn that all horses and humans alike deserve to be treated with kindness. BACKSTORY: Find out about the unusual author and learn some horsey vocabulary.

Сьюэлл Анна Black Beauty
Сьюэлл Анна Black Beauty


RUR 975

Black Beauty is a perennial children's favourite, one which has never been out of print since its publication in 1877. It is a moralistic tale of the life of the horse related in the form of an autobiography, describing the world through the eyes of the creature. In taking this anthropomorphic approach, the author Anna Sewell broke new literary ground and her effective storytelling ability makes it very easy for the reader to accept the premise that a horse is recounting the exploits in the narrative.The gentle thoroughbred, Black Beauty, is raised with care and is treated well until a vicious groom injures him. The damaged horse is then sold to various masters at whose hands he experiences cruelty and neglect. After many unpleasant episodes, including one where he becomes a painfully overworked cab horse in London, Black Beauty finally canters towards a happy ending. Although Anna Sewell's classic is set firmly in the Victorian period, its message is universal and timeless: animals will serve humans well if they are treated with consideration and kindness.There have been many film and television adaptations of the story, but it is only the novel that captures the authentic voice of the central character.

Сьюэлл Анна Black Beauty
Сьюэлл Анна Black Beauty


RUR 1539

This edition features illustrations by Cecil Aldin and an afterword by author and conservationist Lauren St. John. Black Beauty enjoys a carefree upbringing in a pleasant meadow with his mother, where his gentle first master trains him well - until he is reluctantly forced to sell him. Through a long and varied life, Black Beauty passes from one owner to the next; some treat him well, others are so cruel that they inflict lasting damage. Anna Sewell's biographical novel about a horse is one of the bestselling books of all time, and her depiction of Victorian society's harsh treatment of animals inspired significant changes to animal welfare in the both the UK and America.

Сьюэлл Анна Black Beauty
Сьюэлл Анна Black Beauty


RUR 282

Black Beauty is the classic horse story, a beautiful and touching tale told by the title character himself. Set in Victorian London, it follows Beauty's life and changing fortunes as he moves from owner to owner. As the horse encounters new experiences and new friends who reveal their own histories, the story quietly paints a fascinating portrait of how animals were treated during that era.

Сьюэлл Анна Черный Красавчик. Black Beauty. Сьюэлл А.
Сьюэлл Анна Черный Красавчик. Black Beauty. Сьюэлл А.


RUR 319

Книга представляет собой адаптацию увлекательной повести известной английской писательницы Анны Сьюэлл "Черный Красавчик". Историю своей жизни по замыслу автора рассказывает сам Черный Красавчик - чёрный жеребец с белой звёздочкой на лбу. В жизни Черного Красавчика есть и радости, и разочарования. Прочитав эту книгу, читатель научится понимать лошадей и одновременно перенесётся в Англию середины XIX века. Текст пособия адаптирован в учебных целях до уровня Pre-Intermediate. Каждая глава сопровождается упражнениями для отработки и закрепления навыков речевой деятельности, англо-русским словарём, а также комментарием. Книга предназначена учащимся 7 - 8 классов школ, гимназий, лицеев.

Сьюэлл Анна Черный Красавчик. Black Beauty. Сьюэлл А.
Сьюэлл Анна Черный Красавчик. Black Beauty. Сьюэлл А.


RUR 319

Книга представляет собой адаптацию увлекательной повести известной английской писательницы Анны Сьюэлл "Черный Красавчик". Историю своей жизни по замыслу автора рассказывает сам Черный Красавчик - чёрный жеребец с белой звёздочкой на лбу. В жизни Черного Красавчика есть и радости, и разочарования. Прочитав эту книгу, читатель научится понимать лошадей и одновременно перенесётся в Англию середины XIX века. Текст пособия адаптирован в учебных целях до уровня Pre-Intermediate. Каждая глава сопровождается упражнениями для отработки и закрепления навыков речевой деятельности, англо-русским словарём, а также комментарием. Книга предназначена учащимся 7 - 8 классов школ, гимназий, лицеев.

Сьюэлл Анна Black Beauty = Черная Красота: роман на англ.яз
Сьюэлл Анна Black Beauty = Черная Красота: роман на англ.яз


RUR 660

Впервые опубликованный в 1877 году, а затем экранизированный, роман о нелёгкой судьбе чёрного жеребца по имени Красавчик завоевал сердца читателей во всем мире. История Красавчика, рассказанная им самим, начиная с первых лет его жизни в английской деревне до тяжёлых рабочих будней в Лондоне, наполнена радостями и трудностями, встречами и расставаниями. Это позволяет взглянуть читателю на привычные нам всем вещи с неожиданной стороны. Но истинная доброта, противостоящая жестокости окружающего мира, всегда находит себе дорогу.Читайте зарубежную литературу в оригинале!

Сьюэлл Анна Black Beauty = Черная Красота: роман на англ.яз
Сьюэлл Анна Black Beauty = Черная Красота: роман на англ.яз


RUR 660

Впервые опубликованный в 1877 году, а затем экранизированный, роман о нелёгкой судьбе чёрного жеребца по имени Красавчик завоевал сердца читателей во всем мире. История Красавчика, рассказанная им самим, начиная с первых лет его жизни в английской деревне до тяжёлых рабочих будней в Лондоне, наполнена радостями и трудностями, встречами и расставаниями. Это позволяет взглянуть читателю на привычные нам всем вещи с неожиданной стороны. Но истинная доброта, противостоящая жестокости окружающего мира, всегда находит себе дорогу.Читайте зарубежную литературу в оригинале!

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